Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Love: Inner Geek

Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.

There are a lot of things I like about myself, but one thing I absolutely LOVE about myself is my inner geek. I read/collect comic books. I love it. I have electronic comics on my iPhone so when I have some down time I always have something I can read. It's wonderful. I am more of a fan of the Marvel Universe than the DC Universe, but DC does have some entertaining reads. They also make some pretty awesome animated movies.
One thing that really makes me happy is when I can join in on a conversation with a bunch of guys and the looks on their faces when they realize that I actually know what they are talking about and have an opinion as well. I am more than just a pretty face boys!

On the loving yourself topic, I have to tell you about an amazing book that is coming out soon!!! The Beauty of Different by Karen Walrond is available Nov 15th!! Karen is an amazing photographer and women! You can read about the book and watch the trailer here and you can even enter to win one of her fabulous press kits by leaving Karen a comment here! I seriously want to win this! And even if I don't win I will be eagerly awaiting to flip through my copy as soon as I buy one! This will make a great Christmas present too for any beautiful women in your life!

1 comment:

  1. Nice plug for Karen ;) It really does look like a fabulous book. I love your geek side too, because I relate to it way more than your glam side haha. I feel like your geek side isn't too cool to be friends with me ;)
