Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew by Ellen Notbohm
To be completely honest I haven't finished reading this book yet, but what I have read so far really has changed my views on Autism.
Just over a year ago I began working as a childcare worker/behaviour support worker with youth who have autism. I didn't really understand what Autism was then, and I still really only know the basics. This book is a real eye opener.
Just over a year ago I began working as a childcare worker/behaviour support worker with youth who have autism. I didn't really understand what Autism was then, and I still really only know the basics. This book is a real eye opener.
Ten Things zeros in on the importance of sensory issues and thoroughly explains their direct link to a child's behavior. Ellen reminds parents that "seemingly inexplicable behavior ... all have a sensory cause ... No matter how unprovoked, how random it may appear, behavior never comes out of nowhere." She guides parents through reformatting their own beliefs and suggests ways to identify and work with the child's sensory structure... - Amazon Commenter
The kids I work with are amazing and I really wish people would realize just how unique they are, and not treat them like they have a disease. If you are the least bit interested, go find this book and read it!
It sounds really good. There are also some pretty great blogs out there by parents with kids on the spectrum. I've learned a lot from Mir at www.wouldashoulda.com about Asperger's and how a family copes.